Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tom and Female Art

TOM: I can’t work on nude women when my sis is around, she thinks I’m a perv,

D: Tom, we all know you’re a perv. What difference does having naked women on your screen make?

What difference does it make? About 10 inches length and 2 inches radius. And I’m not a perv, I’m an objective observer, subjective thinker and passionate lover.
Universal truth.

Tom and Cher

“If I could turn back time”, Cher

“If I could turn back Tom”, Random Gay fella in **suburb**

Monday, January 08, 2007

The deadly kebab.

Tom after noticing someones kebab is leaking from the bottom..

"If you rub it harder it comes out"

- classic.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Pay Reviews and the Important things in life

Tom after discussing his pay and when the review will be held.

"Im still waiting to be raised as a child"

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

1:21:58 PM - 8/11/2006
Tom : did i tell you my idea of a religious boy group called "prayboys"... just thought it sounds like "playboys" but more religious... not much of an idea but yer...

B - GAH!

(Tom always types yer instead of yeah or yes...This drives B insane...aside from the other stuff.)

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Tom : You know what would be good...if they made chocolate but it had seeds...like fruit.

A : But people spend all their bloody time picking them out of it! Why would you do that?!

Tom : But it would be, i dunno, more natural...

B : Yep, that's in the blog.

Friday, September 08, 2006

on being gay...

Tom : I don't understand feminism. I don't see the point in being gay. If you're going to love, then be bi. They should choose to be bi.

D : Tom, people don't choose to be gay, that's like saying "you should choose to not be chinese."

Tom : But they don't have to be bi.

B : I don't know how to blog this, i can't follow the argument, he hurt my head...uh...is this close?

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Tom : Sometimes when its cold and Im wearing my pijamas, and they dont have pockets... I just stick my hands in the front. (puts hands around groin)